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Established in 1874, W.H.Tildesley was the OEM for many of the UK's iconic and heritage Aerospace manufacturers, supplying them with critical drop forged and pressed components.

WHT played a vital part in British aviation history by producing thousands of drop-forged components for the iconic brands listed below.

If you require the production of forged components for your historical preservation and restoration projects please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.

  • Blackburn Aircraft Ltd

    Blackburn Aircraft Ltd

    Blackburn Aircraft began as an incorporation of Blackburn Aircraft & Motor Co and...

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  • Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd

    Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd

    The Bristol Aeroplane Company, founded in 1910 as the British and Colonial Aeroplane...

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  • British Aircraft Corporation

    British Aircraft Corporation

    The British Aircraft Corporation was a government entity created to nationalise British...

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  • De Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd

    De Havilland Aircraft Co Ltd

    The De Havilland Aircraft Company was a pioneering aircraft design and manufacturing...

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  • Gloucestershire Aircraft Co Ltd

    Gloucestershire Aircraft Co Ltd

    Founded in 1917. The Gloucestershire Aircraft Co Ltd was established to expand the...

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  • Rolls Royce Ltd

    Rolls Royce Ltd

    Rolls Royce is a staple and ambassador of British engineering. Known for ultra-luxury...

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  • Rotol Ltd

    Rotol Ltd

    Rotol was formed in 1937 to incorporate hub & propeller development that Rolls-Royce...

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  • Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd

    Sir WG Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Ltd

    Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft was founded in 1912 as the aerial department of Armstrong...

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  • Westland Aircraft Ltd

    Westland Aircraft Ltd

    Westland Aircraft LTD was spun off from the already established engine maker Petters...

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