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Metallurgical Analysis

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We have in-house processes that enable us to determine the chemical composition and analyse internal grain structure of original samples.

We have in-house metallography capability which allows us to examine grain flow and microstructures of raw material and forged components. This enables us to ensure that raw materials from our suppliers contain no detrimental phases. It also enables us to study the effect of our die design and forging process on the final structure of materials during new product introduction.

The outputs from metallography inform our process customisation, including heating methods and forging reduction ratios. Understanding the microstructure of our forged components allows us, in collaboration with our subcontractors, to optimise heat treatment regimes and meet our customers requirements.

Through the use of non-destructive positive material identification (PMI) testing, we are able to determine the original chemical composition of the original components. This data can be used to select a modern equivalent material that is equal to or better than what was originally used.