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Established in 1874, W.H.Tildesley was the OEM for many of the UK's iconic and heritage Agricultural equipment manufacturers, supplying them with critical drop forged and pressed components.

WHT played a vital part in British agricultural machinery production by producing thousands of drop-forged components for the iconic brands listed below.

If you require the production of forged components for your historical preservation and restoration projects please do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss your requirements.

  • Ford Motor Co Ltd

    Ford Motor Co Ltd

    The automotive goliath Ford started as Henry Ford Company, and later Henry Ford & Son....

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  • International Harvester Co of Great Britain

    International Harvester Co of Great Britain

    Originally founded in 1902 in the USA as the merged entity of Virginia-based McCormick...

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  • W.H. Tildesley Curry Combs

    W.H. Tildesley Curry Combs

    W.H. Tildesley manufactured its own range of products for various core markets of the...

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