
  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD

Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment Ltd

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ToolsMachinery & Manufacturing

Archive Drawings from 1951 to 1951

Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment was a manufacturer and retailer of commercial and consumer grease guns, fabrication machinery and other lubricating tools. The core of their business was a range of steel-bodied handheld grease guns. The company also produced fabrication machinery such as their 'Graham' welder.

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W.H. Tildesley worked with Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment in 1951. Producing elbows, valve trips and nozzle bodies for their range of grease guns.

Uni Gun Lubricating Equipment Ltd heritage replication forged forgings components parts examples

Examples of Drop Forged Components Produced For
Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment Ltd

  • Elbows
  • Nozzle Bodies
  • Valve Trips

Uni-gun lubricating equipment ltd advert


Scroll to view the full list of drawings

  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD 2U106 Elbow 'A' WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Elbow 'A' 2U106 D383 21/06/1951
  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD 2U107 Elbow 'B' WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Elbow 'B' 2U107 D384 21/06/1951
  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD IU599 Valve Trip WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Valve Trip IU599 D385 21/06/1951
  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD 3111 Nozzle Body WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Nozzle Body 3111 D386 05/07/1951
  • Uni-gun Lubricating Equipment LTD 3131F Nozzle Body WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Nozzle Body 3131F D401 12/10/1951

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