
  • E.R.F LTD


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Commercial Vehicles

Archive Drawings from 1942 to 1942

E.R.F was established in 1932 by Edwin Richard Foden, as a rival to his late father's commercial vehicle company 'Foden' which he had resigned from unceremoniously a year prior, for advocating a move to diesel over steam engines, which Foden had been using to power their vehicles since 1900.

ERF would opt for sourcing components rather than in-house manufacture, which served them well throughout their existence. ERF would go on to produce fire engines under license, and export to foreign markets under the 'Western Star' badge. E.R.F. would eventually be sold to MAN in 2000.

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W.H Tildesley worked with E.R.F. in 1942 producing a ratchet wheel, ratchet pawl & release pawl.

E.R.F. heritage replication forged forgings components parts examples

Examples of Drop Forged Components Produced For
E.R.F. Ltd

  • Ratchet Pawls
  • Ratchet Wheels
  • Release Pawls

E.R.F. advert E.R.F. advert E.R.F. advert


Scroll to view the full list of drawings

  • E.R.F LTD 1800 Ratchet Pawl WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Ratchet Pawl 1800 C542 06/03/1942
  • E.R.F LTD 1806 Release Pawl WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Release Pawl 1806 C543 06/03/1942
  • E.R.F LTD 1801 Ratchet Wheel WH Tildesley Forging Technical Drawing
    Ratchet Wheel 1801 C540 18/03/1942

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